This (by one SchroJones) is pretty brilliant (click to embiggen)…
How to live with Introverts - SchroJones
Not only is it amusing and accurate, it has the ability to provoke entertaining levels of RAGE!! on Reddit – mostly from extroverts who either take offense at the idea that they’re stealing people’s energy, or who like to read a book now and then, therefore define themselves as introverts and hence are upset that their self image is under assault by a more accurate definition.
Short little snippets of history that vary between evocative, educational, melancholy and amusing, while never failing to be fascinating. Just the thing for soothing the mind after the ravages of La Colère de Ramsès…
Attention journalists of the world (those from Fairfax and Channel 10 in particular).
Nostradamus did not say anything about calm mornings, dancing horses and “the number of circles” being nine. The quote that’s doing the rounds was made up on 9gag a few weeks ago, as a mere two minutes research online would show.
You know, research? Investigating things? The stuff that journalists are paid for?
Seriously – you people disgust me.
(To clarify – I have no problem with reports including the supposed quote, they should just also include the fact that it’s a fake)
I can tell you what’s going to happen tomorrow – nothing. That is to say plenty will happen, but none of it will be any different to any other day on planet Earth. Sure, a cycle in a calender is coming to an end, but so what? Someone’s calendar is always ticking over. What makes the Mayans so damn special?
B’ak’tun come and go – after all they only last 394 years. Did the world end in 1617? Was human consciousness lifted to a new level in 1223? All evidence points to no. I ain’t holding my breath this time around.
And sure, you can claim that the end of the 13th b’ak’tun is special. That each ‘world’ lasts 13 b’ak’tun and then ends. The problem with that is that it’s an entirely modern idea based on fundamental misinterpretations of Mayan thought. There are only two Mayan inscriptions that even mention the end of b’ak’tun 13 – one of them merely notes that it’ll happen one day, the other says it’s the festival of an almost completely unknown minor god. That’s it. No prophecies, no predictions, absolutely nothing to suggest that the commencement of b’ak’tun 14 will be any different to any other point in human existence.
The end of the 13th b’ak’tun is upon us. The world won’t end, or be transformed, the human race won’t be wiped out or redeemed, and things will carry on into the 14th b’ak’tun just the same as it ever was – except that new age con-men will need to find some other way to sell books to the gullible (I’m guessing something to do with Nibiru).
I’m still going to take the opportunity to post this though…