There must be a way to exploit that website!

TV networks never learn…

Well, despite the abject failure of Channel 9’s iCaught a while back (you know, that “let’s save money by ripping free content off YouTube” show?) Channel 10 is having another go at the genre, with Friday Night Download premiering (funnily enough) this Friday night.

It’s basically the same thing, except it’s hosted by the three nobodies who hosted Friday Night Games (that show where they herded the Big Brother housemates into an arena and made them fight each other for food). Of course Friday Night Games was fairly successful, so maybe this will be too. We can only hope it goes the way of Viva Laughlin – which was so bad that Channel 9 axed it after only one episode the other night, something that hasn’t happened since Australia’s Naughtiest Home Video Show.

(You think I’m making up Australia’s Naughtiest Home Video Show don’t you? Well you’re wrong.)

On another subject entirely the reason I’ve been feeling so wretched for the last week is I have a massive ear infection. I didn’t really notice because I get ear infections all the time, and they’re usually no big deal. This one has started hurting the entire left side of my head though, making it hard to chew, so I went to the Doc and got some antibiotics today. That’ll teach those bacteria!

Finally (I’m a bit incoherant tonight, put it down to the infection) yesterday was apparently the cute Emo chick down at the fish and chip shop’s birthday. So happy birthday cute Emo chick down at the fish and chip shop! πŸ™‚

Bah. I’m going to bed.

PS: Good Lord! Catalyst is using the “the Cyclons were created by man” music from Battlestar Galactica for a segment on the eating habits of locusts! What?!

Well, it explains that Purple Suit

Dumbledore is gay! OMG! ZOMG! OMG! ROFL! LOL! ECT.!

Dumbledore is GAY!? What the-

No, wait. That actually makes perfect sense.

(A few days late sure, but that was my actual reaction :D)

In other news Amazon have apparently tried to patent sticking an unformatted search string onto the end of a URL. Amazing! If they manage to actually get it then I’ll be toddling off the Patent Office to talk to them about an idea I’ve got concerning inaudible transmission of sound between two points by the use of Hertzian waves. I really think it could have a future!

Just call me McKay

I am frighteningly like Rodney.

It’s a great big ship!
And it sat in the sea,
For 10,000 years,
With barely a drip!

It’s called Atlantis!
Lots of tech it yeilds,
So they came through the gate,
It would be really great,
If they could turn on the shields,

With Sheppard and Ford,
(And Teyla)
And Beckett and Weir,
(And McKay)
Look out for that r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-wraith!

Now, the reason that I thought posting that inane little ditty (to the theme tune of the wrong series by the way) is that I just watched the entire first series of Stargate Atlantis in less than 60 hours – including one marathon 8 hour non-stop session. This was highly enjoyable, but it’s left my brain in a rather melted state and not really up to much beyond composing stupid (dare I say it) filk songs (I feel so dirty!).

In between episodes I did find time however to do something I’ve been meaning to get around to for ages, which is set up a Flickr account. I haven’t had time to work on Abandoned in Perth for over three years, and it’s been nagging at me. So then I got this idea about driving a cheesecake truck… no, actually I realised that Flickr would let me post photos without all that messing around building a website for them. OK, it’s not the ideal solution, but it’ll do (at least until I can get a job driving a cheesecake truck).

I’m also posting various other photos (and trying to keep the tedium to a minimum) so check ye it out.

Back to work tomorrow. Sigh.

Noxious Eructations

Everyone should just grow up!

Well, how about that! Andrew Hanson sung a cheery little ditty on The Chaser last night about how no one ever speaks ill of the dead – no matter how awful the particular dead person may have been – and suddenly every politician and public commentator is up in arms about it.

And since a sizeable proportion of said public commentators are talkback radio hosts, a large number of elderly, unemployed, bigoted and generally mentally vacuous folk (very few if any of which would have seen the performance because they stopped watching the ABC when it started showing programs about lesbians) are now up in arms as well.

Even the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader have chimed in, although that’s only to be expected now there’s an election on (no politician in election mode is willing to look ‘weak’ by refusing to condemn whatever the noisy minority is yelling about this week).

Now, to be true the song contained a lot of “strong” language. Herculean in fact. And it said a bunch of fairly nasty stuff about a number of well liked people, all of whom are of course dead. But everyone complaining about it seems to have missed an important point. The song was so over the top, the lyrics were so face-slappingly confronting, and Andrew Hanson performed it with such incredible, manic vitriol that no one with even half a brain could have regarded it as anything but satire of the highest order.

Yes, it was rude, it was tasteless, it was really quite awful, but it was astoundingly funny. Jaw droppingly, gasping for air funny. And extremely well written. And in a show that’s all about satire and comedy, isn’t that what’s it’s all about?

(Oh, and everyone who was offended needs to go and look up the definition of transgressive humour).

Anyway, on the subject of noxious eructations I’ve added a new article to Wikipedia, on the Lincoln Street sewer vent. Go check it out. Go on!

His Barely Hominoid Pointy Eared Gimp

The Black of Space (it’s a pun, see?)

Well, as I mentioned yesterday Simon Pegg is going to play Mr Scott in the next Star Trek movie. Bravo I say.

Of course there’s plenty of people who aren’t so happy. Numerous bulletin boards all over the internet are drowning in alternative casting suggestions and cries of “Why didn’t they cast someone Scottish?” (apparently forgetting that Jimmy Doohan was Canadian).

Anyway among the many suggested non-Simon-Peggs one in particular caught my eye. Someone (apparently seriously) suggested Dylan Moran. Dylan Moran!


Needless to say visions of the inevitable result were immediately dancing like sugarplums in my head, so I present them here in the form of a script…


Scene – Deep space. The USS Enterprise is surrounded by three Klingon Birds of Prey, all firing their disruptors into its shields. The shields flicker under the onslaught.

Cut to the bridge. The camera shakes as the ship rocks from another impact. CAPTAIN KIRK hits the communicator button in the arm of his chair.

KIRK: Mr Scott! Warp factor eight!

Cut to the engine room. MR SCOTT lies back in his chair. His feet are up on an engineering console, and a rumpled newspaper covers his head. He appears to be deeply asleep – or possibly passed-out – but puffs of cigarette smoke emerge from beneath. He seems completely oblivious to both the attack and the communicator.

KIRK: Mr Scott!

The ship is rattled by a further impact. An empty wine bottle rolls off the console and smashes on the floor. Mr Scott starts up in shock, struggling to pull the newspaper off his face. He finally frees himself from its embrace and hurls it to the ground as the communicator squawks again.

KIRK: Mr Scott!!

Mr Scott glares at it with a mixture of rage and deep loathing.

MR SCOTT: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh GOD!!

He mashes the communicator control.


KIRK: Warp factor 8 Mr Scott!!

MR SCOTT (mockingly, as he punches viciously at various controls): Warp factor eight! Bloudy warp factor eight! (He hits one final button with a violent flourish) See how yuh like that yuh great pointy eared martian! (He sits back with a look of vile contentment on his face).

Cut to the Bridge. The main screen goes dead. All the lights go out.


Cut back to the engine room. Mr Scott is picking up and hopefully peering into various empty wine bottles.

MR SCOTT (not looking around): Yeah well they can fock off too.

Cut to exterior of Enterprise. The shields fail and the ship is blown to a million pieces.


Now that’s a movie I’d pay to see πŸ™‚

Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Crazy We Will Go

Some people shouldn’t be allowed technology

Well, Howard’s finally done it and called the election. About time frankly. He’s been holding off as long as possible in the hopes he can pull a rabbit out of his hat and reverse the polls – consistantly indicating a crushing defeat for the Coalition – which means we’ve already had to put up with three months or so of a phoney election campaign. Now we’ve got six weeks of an actual campaign to put up with, but at least there’s an end in sight. And with any luck an end of the Coalition as well.

On the railway front the works are finished, and everything’s back to normal. I gave up on the 98 bus on Thursday last week because two hours a day of sitting on a cramped bus was driving me spare (my daily commute is two hours a day anyway, but it involves trains, buses and walking, so I guess there’s more variety). I did my normal commute on Thurday and Friday, getting the rail replacement bus between the city and Subi, which wasn’t too bad. It was actually the trains that messed me up…

I’d had a particularly hard day at work on Thursday, and had a splitting headache when I caught the train at Perth. Thankfully I managed to get a seat, but then as we got underway some idiot a few seats down started loudly playing what I can only presume is some kind of viral video on their mobile phone. I have no idea of the visual content, but the audio was a parody of the ‘Hi-Ho’ song from Snow White, seemingly performed by someone impersonating the Chipmunks.

“Hi-ho! Ho-ho! It’s on the web we go! [something something] see some tits! Hi-ho! Hi-ho-hi-ho!”

This teeth grinding insanity went for a full three verses with a big piano finale. Bad enough you might think, but then the idiot played it again. And again. And again. My entire trip home was accompanied by the tinny shrill of chipmunk Disney music, to the point where if the train hadn’t been so crowded I would have walked over, grabbed the phone from their hands and stomped it to pieces.

Anyway that was Thursday. On Friday my attempts to get into work early were foiled by someone getting themselves killed by the Prospector just outside Bayswater station, resulting in the Midland line being shut down, and requiring more sitting on decrepit old rail replacement buses.

But it’s all over now, and the brand new underground station is open in the city. I’ll have to go and check it out this weekend, maybe take a trip down to the Esplanade station just for the heck of it (they’ve opened the line with only two stations actually operational, and those only a five minute walk apart. But hey! It’s an underground train! πŸ™‚

Finally Simon Pegg has been cast as Mr Scott in the new Star Trek movie. A bit out of left field, but I can see him working quite well. Now all they have to do is get Gary Sinise to play Doctor McCoy and they’ll be set (c’mon, the resemblance is frightening!)

More on the Star Trek angle tomorrow! πŸ™‚

Photoshop isn’t Forensics

Using the swirl effect doesn’t make you a CSI

Maybe I’ve fried my brain by listening to Temple of Love by the Sisters of Mercy (featuring Ofra Haza) too many times in a row, but am I the only one who thinks the news media is getting a touch over excited by the fact that you can reverse a Photoshop swirl effect by running an opposite swirl on top of it? I mean I’m glad they now have a chance to catch the sicko involved, but the way the papers and news bulletins have been going on about it you’d think it’s the forensic breakthrough of the century – as opposed to something known by anyone who plays around with Photoshop for more than five minutes. Give me one of those photos (appropriately cropped – I seriously don’t want to know what’s going on in there) and I could pull the guy’s face out of it in 60 seconds or less without even having to think about it.

There’s absolute public transport chaos at the moment. In order to plug the new Mandurah line into the rail network they’ve had to shut down the Fremantle line for a week. They’re running extra buses and such, but it’s still a major nightmare. I’ve given up on the trains entirely until it’s done and am catching the Circle Route bus to work. It takes an extra 15 minutes, but is a lot less inconvenient that catching a train, switching to a bus, then switching to another bus. Things should be back to normal by the start of next week – I just hope they’re going to keep running trains straight from Midland to Fremantle once it’s done, otherwise my daily commute is going to get a lot more annoying.

I’ve almost got my computer back up and running in the style I’m accustomed to. Just a few more programs to install and everything should be back to normal – if anything on my computer could be said to be normal πŸ™‚


The world hasn’t ended after all!

Picked up the promised DVD backup of my old desktop from the computer people yesterday and…

It’s got everything on it!

Huzzah!! Disaster averted! πŸ˜€

In other good news my 404 page is 404 of the week over at the 404 Research Lab, which explains why it’s suddenly the most visited page on Wyrmworld (something that gave me a nasty shock when I checked my stats – you usually don’t want to see hundreds of hits on your error page :). So it’s good news all round!

(Well apart from the pulp mill going ahead, and President Bush deciding that Republican funding from the tobacco industry some obtuse bit of philosophy about private health insurance is more important than medical care for children)

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