This NeoGaf thread pretty much sums up the reason I don’t get photos with celebrities at conventions.
They have enough freaks to put up with without me joining in.
Disordered Thoughts and Curmudgeonly Ramblings
Convention Craziness
This NeoGaf thread pretty much sums up the reason I don’t get photos with celebrities at conventions.
They have enough freaks to put up with without me joining in.
OK, my blog is now starting to look more like I want it to. Need to get that header sorted out, and rearrange the sidebar a bit, then I might finally be satisfied.
In my perambulations around the net the other day I stumbled over this quite remarkable page –The Neanderthal Theory of Autism. It’s a page outlining a theory that Autistic spectrum disorders are actually the legacy of breeding between modern humans and Neandertals in prehistoric Europe, and that the symptoms of autism are actually Neandertal traits.
It’s an interesting idea and there’s some interesting evidence in there (the much higher rate of autism in European as opposed to African populations for instance) but there’s also a lot of absolute fruit-loopery of the highest order dressed up in the garb of science.
The basic methodology seems to work like this…
1) Neandertals may have done things this way
2) Some Autistics do things this other way
3) The first way and the second way are kind of similar
4) Therefore Autistics must be Neandertals! It all fits!
For instance, this piece of crystal clear logic…
Most of the finds of Neanderthals are from caves. It’s possible that Neanderthals spent a lot of time in caves, or maybe they hibernated there during winter. Autistics have a fascination for caves. Many autistics are afraid of the sound of a motor-bike. A motor-bike sounds similar to a bear. It is possible that the instintive (sic) reaction of autistics when they hear the sound of a motor-bike triggers an ancient fear for cave-bears.
Uhhhh…. OK, let’s look at this bit by bit. Yes, most Neandertal finds do come from caves, but this has less to do with the habits of Neandertals and more to do with the fact that caves are very good at preserving old bones, so that’s where we tend to look for them. I mean sure, Neandertals may have been hanging out in caves all the time, but you can’t build a hypothesis around the fact that we’ve gotten very good at narrowing down our search for archaeology over the last 200 years.
“Autistics have a fascination for caves“. We do?! No one told me this!? I shall have to start looking for a cave to be fascinated by right away!!! Honestly…
Motor-bikes, well, yes, the sound of a motor cycle does freak me out a bit, particularly if it comes tearing around a corner at full roar without any warning. But that’s not because it sounds like a bear, it’s because it’s a loud, sudden noise. Autistics don’t like loud sudden noises of any kind, be they engines, thunder, gunshots or – yes I suppose – cave bears. You might as well argue that Autistics are scared of the sound of motor cycles because the people who ride them tend to be large and hairy, and hence resemble cave bears.
The entire work is full of this kind of stuff. Particularly annoying (or laughable, depending on how you look at it) is the chain of supposition which will state tentatively that Neandertals might have behaved in a certain way, or might have had a certain trait, and then roll on into the next sentence on the confident assumption that they definitely did. That’s not science, that’s wish fulfilment.
So yes, an interesting theory, but let’s try and find some real evidence to back it up before we go riding off into the sunset clinging to the fur of a mammoth (which is apparently why Autistics like climbing over things…)
Office Shenanigans
A conversation in the office today..
Coworker: (in relation to some ugly concrete panels at Esplanade railway station) What are they for?
Me: What’s it for? What’s it mean?
Coworker: Magnets! How do they work?
Me: Double rainbow!
Coworker 2: I’m on a horse.
It’s a wonder we get anything done at all.
And nothing else
I was trawling around the net the other day (as one does) and ended up on a truly atrocious website that wouldn’t have looked out of place on Geocities in 1998. Animated gifs, marquee text, 20 point Times New Roman against a tiled background that rendered it completely unreadable – a nightmare from the depths of time and sad casualty of the browser wars. I was about to close it down before it could infect my computer with blink tags when the midi file started, and I was forced to pause and figure out what the sublime piano music emerging from my speakers was.
At first I thought it might be the Moonlight Sonata, but it wasn’t. I was wracking my brain for possible other pieces when it suddenly clicked. Nothing Else Matters. By Metallica. It was a frickin’ piano cover of Metallica! And it sounded fantastic!
I was, to use the modern phrase, quite blown away.
I’ve managed to locate a similar version of the song on YouTube by one Scott D. Davis who seems to do a lot of this kind of thing. So, enjoy!
Machines! We are taking to the sky!
B Mashina by scary Slovenian industrial meisters Laibach is a truly epic track, redolent of all kind of weird, Reichian flying machines and apocalyptic calamities. As such I consider it extremely unlikely (no matter how much the aforelinked YouTube poster would like it to be true) that the lyrics include the phrase today we all steal animals.
It seems much more likely to me that the lines in question are today we are still, animals we are.
Of course maybe I’m wrong and the song’s really about black helicopters and cattle mutilation…
Skimming the cream off the digital milk
EndWorlD – Post-apocalyptic Flickr storytelling.
Myths Retold – Ancient myths for the modern generation.
Poveglia, Island of Horror – Fantastic ghost stories about Venice’s island of the damned (sadly fantastic in both meanings of the word).
Was a fail, now fixed!
Lifehacker is a pretty cool site – one of the ones I check on a daily basis during my lunch break. That said, it would be nice if when they decide to illustrate an article with one of my photos they actually attributed it to me. Particularly since the Creative Commons licence I use on my photos requires it.
I’ve added a comment to the article – we’ll see what happens.
Also on the subject of my Flickr stream, the operator of Save the Cliffe has been nice enough to upload my photos (with full permission and CC attribution) to his site. I can only hope it helps.
Later: Aha! Lifehacker have fixed the attribution. Thanks guys!
We get a lot of spam at work – it kind of goes with the territory. Most of it’s the usual ads for male enhancement products, pleas for help from dying/persecuted millionaires and catalogues of Chinese crapware. But every now and then (for some reason) we get bombarded with poorly written missives protesting about something to do with the University of Aalborg, one Peter Axel Nielson and the hosting of student websites.
It’s hard to figure out exactly what the writer is upset about because his (her?) emails are liberally peppered with barely coherent rants concerning President Obama, Hilary Clinton, Hitler and Jesus (or as the writer prefers, “Jesu”). From what I’ve been able to establish over the months we’ve been been getting this stuff, Peter Alex Nielson (maybe) moved the hosting of a student’s website from the sever in his department (I think) and then called in Obama and Hilary (perhaps) to persecute said student in the United States (possibly). It’s all very confusing.
In any case I’ve been meaning to post one of these insane screeds for months. One came in today, so enjoy!
who does believe that hitler can change his essence?
it is impossible that obama may change his essence of hitler.
many people paraded in my city. I was very angry too.
I do not work at Aalborg university now. I left the criminal university. I never go to Aalborg university again.
Jesu forgives the criminal souls. They schemed the machination together.
in fact, After peter axel nielsen lost the head position, Obama and policemen helped him persecuting the student in USA. We heard all based on the software.
thereby, you may understand why obama came to Europe before presidential campain.
you may understand what the Aalborg university did.
you may understand why there was the financial crisis in the world. you may understand who operated american stock market.
you may understand why Anders Fogh Rasmussen became the secretary-general of NETO.
you may understand why the Aalborg university removed the student’s webpages on each department.
you may understand what obama did. you may understand what obama can do.
you may understand what obama will do
Using obama
Tom Bombodil and the Goffs
Call me easily amused, but the TV Tropes page on the mind-bendingly awful Harry Potter fanfic My Immortal sent my into hysterics today.
Literally, hysterics. The misspelling of “Reader Discretion” in particular had me slumped in my chair, screaming with laughter for about five minutes. My neighbours probably thought I’d gone insane and (once I recovered enough to breath) I discovered I’d given myself a nasty case of the hiccoughs.
I have no intention of reading the source material – the text parser in my head would break under the assault – but the summary is pure, radioactive comedy dynamite.
Take a ride on Rumbleroar!
I’m definitely coming late to the party but if you’re any kind of Harry Potter fan you owe it to yourself to check out A Very Potter Musical – an incredibly silly, completely unauthorised musical “reinterpretation” of Harry Potter put together by students at the University of Michigan last year. I could go on and on about how great it is, but all I really need to say is that it features a tap-dancing Lord Voldemort. You hear me? A tap-dancing Lord Voldemort. What the hell are you waiting for? (And what the hell is a Hufflepuff?)
The downside is I now have a crush on Draco Malfoy. Before anyone gets out Scarf of Sexual Preference I should point out that I have a crush strictly on the AVPM version of Draco Malfoy who is played by the very cute and downright hilarious Lauren Lopez (I have no idea why was she continually rolling around the stage but it was extremely amusing).
Anyway, tomorrow’s Australia Day (Boo! Hooray! Boo! Hooray! Call me when you’re finished) so you can expect an entry on how crap the Hottest 100 turns out to be at least 😉