General weekly update type stuff

Still no word from those slackers over at (no link for them!). I’ll have to follow them up I suppose if I want any kind of satisfaction out of the whole affair. Hmmm, maybe I’ll just set up a keyword loaded page explaining they’re a bunch of thieves and get it ranking higher on Google then they do – that might be fun 🙂

Anyway I suppose I’d better say what other stuff I’ve been up to over the last few weeks, apart from making the odd entry about the Fiery Furnaces and Jorja Fox.

OK, I had a haircut that’s something. I also got my watch repaired. Its battery ran out the other week and while it was being replaced I thought I might as well get the glass fixed back in (it fell out when I was visiting Rebecca in Kalgoorlie in August 2002 and had been held together by sticky tape ever since). The watch people over at the Galleria did a fantastic job, not only replacing the battery and gluing the glass as requested but also cleaning the face, which had got stained in a few places from stuff leaking in. They also polished the case, and all of this for $30.00. That’s what you call value.

I’ve also been doing some more work on Abandoned in Perth – mainly adding inconsequential side pages and visiting new sites rather than processing all the photos I’ve got. Unfortunately I’m running out of pages to add and so will have to get on to actually processing the mountains of images that are waiting, which is so tedious. Oh well, my fault for setting the site up in the first place 🙂

I’m also doing a fair bit of research on local urban history – the site is starting to look (in my mind at any rate) like more of an urban archeology site than a purely urban exploration one. This is mostly down to the fascinating (ie: mind stupefyingly boring to anyone except a tragic history/geography geek such as myself 🙂 survey on the Swan River Trust website. Pages and pages of information covering the geography, history, landuse and flora of every section of the Swan and Canning rivers, in excruciating detail. It’s bloody fascinating – you could live near the river your entire life (as I have done) and not even hear a tenth of this stuff. I never knew for instance that the fairly staid and boring suburb of Bicton is built on top of an extensive cave complex. Or that there used to be natural hot springs in Nedlands. Or that UWA is built on an Aboriginal battle ground. Great stuff 🙂

I’m also planning to head down to the State Library next weekend and find out how much of the old Maylands Brickworks was destroyed for the peninsula housing development. I have the nasty feeling that the answer is ‘most of it’. Bastards. But I’ll shut up about that until I have some more information. And before I bore anyone too much 😉

Also in the website realm I’ve been looking at redesigning the Wyrmlog. This bloated, non-standards compliant layout is starting to be an embarrassment. I’m also going to be looking at a PHP solution to take some of the load off the GTP Sever – and eliminate the frames, which have always annoyed me. So don’t be surprised if there are some weird changes over the next few weeks as I experiment (cue evil laugh here – Mwahahahaha!!).

I’ll also be adding a search feature – for when you just have to know my opinion of Alisen Down say, or Guy Sebastian.

(Although as an adult, music-loving human being with intelligence greater than that of a retarded ant my opinion of Guy Sebastian should be fairly obvious 🙂

(As – given my last log entry – should be my opinion of Alisen Down 😉

About the only other thing I’ve done lately is head down to Rebecca and Dom’s on Saturday for lunch (they wanted to test out their new barbecue). I got down there a bit early so decided to make more website work for myself by photographing the derelict Elders Woolstore (over lunch I was told that a number of people have been beaten up around there recently – just as well I didn’t know or I wouldn’t have got any photos).

Oddly though my camera battery died halfway through. This only ever seems to happen in Fremantle. No doubt it’s down a localised geomagnetic anomaly – either that or convict ghosts draining the energy 😉

Anyway that’s about all I’ve got to say – boring as usual I’m afraid. I’ll obviously have to do something rash and foolish this week just to spice things up. Or get a life. One or the other 🙂

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