
I was in the mood for a quiet pub lunch yesterday. Unfortunately I’d forgotten it was Grand Final day. Suffice to say I did not get my quiet pub lunch.

Rather than try my luck today I switched on the TV around noon and stumbled over Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. I remembered this as being legendarily awful so naturally decided to watch.

I was actually pleasantly surprised. It’s an 80s superhero film so it’s cheesy as hell, but it was actually very entertaining. What I did notice though is that it went completely to hell in the last 20 minutes. Nuclear Man sees Mariel Hemingway on the front page of the Daily Planet, heads downtown, is confronted by Superman – who somehow seems to know why he’s there – kidnaps Mariel (who can apparently breathe in space?), has a fight with Superman, Superman wins, movie over. It’s like there were a bunch of scenes missing – although given the movie’s perilous budget they were probably never shot in the first place.

Also on the subject of questionable 80’s movies I found myself sitting at a bus stop on Friday evening thinking about how much better *Ghostbusters II* could have been. I’ll see about writing my ideas up later this week.

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