Just had an idea for a new White Wolf role playing game where you play an ordinary human in the World of Darkness setting – Mortal: The Screwed.
The players start by creating characters with skills, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, motivations and highly detailed histories. Once everyone has created their character, they roll 2d6 on the following table…
2 – You are killed by a Vampire. Roll up a new character.
3 – You are killed by a Werewolf. Roll up a new character.
4 – You are killed by a Promethean. Roll up a new character.
5 – You are killed by a Hunter, who mistakes you for a Vampire. Roll up a new character.
6 – You are killed by a Mage. Roll up a new character.
7 – You are killed by a Changeling. Roll up a new character.
8 – You are killed by a Mummy. Roll up a new character.
9 – You are killed by a Demon. Roll up a new character.
10 – You are killed by a Kuei-jin. Roll up a new character.
11- You are killed by a Wraith. Roll up a new character.
12 – You are hit by a truck. Roll up a new character.
Hours of fun for everyone!
(Yes, I know you can play as a mortal in the New World of Darkness, but I’m a traditionalist! ;))
Now would this be a D20, D12 or D6 system? For maximum effect, I’d make it a D20 system. More chance for critical failures. Oh the inventive deaths you could come up with for a critical fail.
Hmmm, a D20 roll would allow a bit more variety I suppose – like specifying exactly what type of Vampire or Werewolf you get killed by.
Or spontaneous human explosion. Spontaneous human combustion has been so overdone don’t you think?
Well perhaps, but I doubt any normal humans actually survive long enough in the World of Darkness to spontaneously explode. Any time you stepped outside your door you’d be likely to be set upon by some kind of supernatural entity intent on drinking your blood, grinding your bones or harvesting your internal organs for purposes best not thought about.