James Cameron is currently sitting at the bottom of Challenger Deep – the deepest known point in the ocean.
I know it’s hardly an original comment, but could we maybe cut the cables and leave him there?
Disordered Thoughts and Curmudgeonly Ramblings
James Cameron is currently sitting at the bottom of Challenger Deep – the deepest known point in the ocean.
I know it’s hardly an original comment, but could we maybe cut the cables and leave him there?
lol. That’s a good idea.
On a completely unrelated matter, they redid Titanic in 3D. It was boring enough the first time. Who would want to go and see it again? Not me!
But it’s the 100th anniversary next month! To not go and see an indulgent movie about a completely fictional romance tacked onto one of the greatest maritime disasters in history would be massively disrespectful to all the people who drowned! THINK OF THE PEOPLE WHO DROWNED AND GIVE JAMES CAMERON ALL YOUR MONEY!!
I have EVERY respect for many, many people who lost their lives in that disaster my dear. I just can’t stand the way they did the movie. It was just to long. Now if James Cameron did a factual documentary about it, then I would go and see it.
James Cameron is ok with me. Michael Bay on the other hand…
He should be strapped into a one-way (i.e. down) transformer sub-marine and forced to watch his f**king awful transformer movies on continuous loop. He will have the opportunity of an off button for the movie loop which is also hardwired to the transforming ability of the sub-marine – that is, a sub that transforms from one with a hull to one without.
There will be a delay between when the movie loop turns off and and when the hull transforms away. Time enough for Mr Bay to think long and hard about how mind-meltingly shit his movies are, probably as a result of receiving ‘anal servicing’ from the PR department of the US military.
Michael Bay needs to do a James Cameron and explore the ocean depths…permanently.
I propose he be strapped into a one-way (i.e. down) transformer sub-marine and forced to watch his f***ing awful transformer movies on continuous loop. He will have the opportunity of an off button for the movie loop which is also hardwired to the transforming ability of the sub-marine – that is, a sub that transforms from one WITH a hull to one WITHOUT. When he finally can’t take anymore of his own movies and presses the off button there will be a delay between when the movie loop turns off and and when the hull transforms away. Time enough for Mr Bay to think long and hard about how mind-meltingly $hit his movies are and to regret getting in bed with the PR department of the US military.