From allegedly reputable media organisation

I know it’s been hot lately, but still…
Disordered Thoughts and Curmudgeonly Ramblings
From allegedly reputable media organisation
I know it’s been hot lately, but still…
Herp Derp Particle
The HerpDerpParticle Twitter feed is one of those things that first makes you laugh, and then makes you weep for the future of humanity. It does nothing but retweet insane twitter posts about the probable discovery of the Higgs Boson, which can mostly be categorised into three types…
1: Liberal atheist European scientists have found the God Particle, thus proving that God exists and hoisting the evil, science-worshiping, communist, agnostic, atheist, anti-American, Darwinist, liberal, gay, Muslim, perverts by their own petard.
2: Liberal atheist European scientists found the God Particle on July 4th, thus proving for all time that God loves America more than any other nation on Earth and condemning all evil, science-worshiping, communist, agnostic, atheist, Darwinist, liberal, gay, Muslim perverts to Hell for electing Barrack Obama.
3: All science is an evil, communist, agnostic, atheist, Darwinist, liberal, Anti-American, gay, Muslim, pervert plot and all the truth you ever need is in the Bible.
It’s this kind of thing that makes me reconsider living on this planet.
Later: But this cheers me right up ๐
Fightin’ Dino’s and Praisin’ Jesus
What is this? I mean, seriously, what the hell is this? It is meant to be something?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh crap…
Thanks to a simple typing error I just bid $450 for a handful of plastic 40k gubbins on eBay.
I cannot see how this could end well…
One job down.
All my UK photos are now up on Flickr. Hooray!
Now I’ve just got to title, annotate, tag and geolocate them all ๐
Later: DERP!! I somehow managed to miss over a week’s worth of photos!
On the plus side all the ones I have uploaded are now geotagged.
I’ve just spent over two hours trying to get an HTML email to render properly in Outlook.
I have never been this close to sending a death threat to Steve Balmer in my entire life.