Floss Your Brain with YouTube

Filler, essentially

Just thought I’d post some crazy YouTube videos we did watch on Sunday…

Frank Zappa – Baby Snakes

Captain Beefheart – Ice Cream for Crow

The KLF – America, What Time is Love?

Led Zeppelin – Immigrant Song

Punch Rockgroin! Big McLargehuge! Steve!

The best song at Eurovision 2007

The worst song at Eurovision 2007

Arguably the most insane song at Eurovision 2007

Maybe – just maybe – I might get my computer back today. Maybe.


Good news – I have my computer back

Bad News – Despite my telling them that there was a tonne of important stuff on the desktop, they didn’t bother to back it up. Meaning that I’ve lost about five years of work on various projects. Including…

  • The Wild Southwest campaign setting
  • Plying’ The Black (my Firefly card game in progress)
  • The graphics for the new CD I’m making for Helen and Ali, which I was really happy with
  • A bunch of other stuff I can’t remember right now, but that I’m sure going to miss as soon as I do

I’m going to phone them up tomorrow morning and see if they possibly have some kind of earlier backup lying around, but I’m not hopeful πŸ™

Needless to say I am not taking my computer back to them the next time something goes wrong.

Get Off My Train You No Good Kids!

Curmudgeonly ramblings

It’s the Queen’s birthday long weekend, and I’m at work.

This is completely voluntary. I simply can’t take another day sitting at home thinking of all the things I could do if I had my computer. It’s still not fixed (more problems with Windows, which I fully blame on the infamous Stealth Update back in August) and I’m just going nuts without it. So I figured I’d take my mind of things by coming into the office and catching up with some of the tasks on my extremely long work list. The fact that I’ll get some extra pay for doing so is merely a bonus πŸ˜€

The only major downside to this is that since it’s the Queen’s birthday long weekend the trains are packed with plebs heading off to the Royal Show. These are once-a-year commuters who only ever use the train to get to the Show, and have absolutely no idea of proper train etiquette. They crowd around the ticket machines in puzzlement like a Martian confronted with the Viking probe, randomly pressing buttons despite the clearly posted instructions. They harass the rail guard centre by pressing the “emergency” button and asking the operator how much a ticket to Claremont costs. They elbow their way straight through the doors as soon as they open, not giving anyone a chance to get off first, then let their multitudinous progeny run up and down the carriage screaming at the top of their lungs because “they’re excited about the show”. All of which is highly disrespectful to those of us who use the train network day in and day out.

The trains back are even worse because the multitudinous progeny are now hepped up on sugar, and loaded down with bunches of balloons, giant teddy bears, and plastic “rat-tat-tat” guns from the GI Joe showbag. Giant teddy bears apparently ride free, which if you ask me is ridiculous – they easily take up as much room as an eight year old child and should be charged accordingly. I think I shall have to arm myself with a sturdy, pointed stick before leaving for home, and apply it where necessary.

I was also planning to come into work yesterday, but instead ended up at Ryan’s place hanging around with he and Fabian. We had an entertaining day of Munchkin, watching crazy Youtube videos, messing around with Linux, watching the end of Matrix Revolutions and using up most of Ryan’s Zome constructing a proof of concept go-go dancer’s cage. It was a good day, and much more fun than working.

Well, lunch is over so I suppose I’d better get back to work. At least I can listen to JJJ with no one else here πŸ™‚

No Dice

More computer woes

Still no computer πŸ™

Every problem they fix seems to bring up another one at the moment – it’s not that they’re incompetent or anything, it’s just really stupid bad luck. But at the end of it (which at the moment is scheduled for tomorrow some time) I should have an almost completely new system. New motherboard, new RAM, new video card and possibly even a new processor if they can scare a spare one up. So it’ll all be worth it. I hope.

Five days without a computer (well, near as). It’s amazing I’m still alive.

Good News All Round

More computer updates, time travel and MP3s

It’s ironic – seemingly a blog a lot more when I don’t have a computer than when I do…

Well the latest update is that my motherboard is fairly well fried – which isn’t all that surprising considering the machine is getting on for five years old. They’re replacing it with a brand new, sparkling, clean one, so hopefully by the end of today normality will be restored and I can go back to not blogging again πŸ˜‰

(Oh, and sure I could probably buy a new computer for not much more than it’s costing me to get it repaired, but as an Aspie change hurts my head and I just want things back the way they were. Yes that’s nuts, but that’s me. I’ll upgrade some other time, so just deal πŸ™‚

In two other bits of important news Amazon has finally done what I’ve been waiting for someone to do for years – launch an online store where you can buy plain, ordinary MP3s unemcumbered with DRM. Since way back in the Napster age I’ve been saying that if someone got their act together and started running a store like that, I’d happily pay for large quantities of downloadable music, and it looks like it’s finally happening. I’ll wait a little while for the reviews to come in (just to make sure it’s as good as it seems) and then get updating my MP3 collection with all those songs I’ve always wanted to get but couldn’t be bothered buying entire albums (or labouriously tracking down singles) for. Yey Amazon!

The other bit of news is that Dresden Codak creator Aaron Diaz has declared December 8th as Pretend to be a Time Traveller Day. If I had the guts to behave like a lunatic in public, then this is something I would so be involved with. Alas, I don’t have the guts, so I’ll just encourage others to participate instead πŸ™‚

I Can Has Temporal Paradox?

A book recommendation

My computer should be going in to the shop today, so hopefully I’ll have some idea of what’s wrong with it soon. And how much it’ll cost to fix it. New memory is fine – the real worry is that it might be the processor or motherboard. If those are gone, it’ll probably be cheaper to buy a whole new system. But I don’t want a whole new system! I want my old computer back dagnabit! (although a bit more grunt would be nice I suppose…)

On another subject it’s not often I read a book that I don’t want to end. That’s not to say that I don’t read a lot of excellent and enjoyable books – it’s just rare to find one so enjoyable that I get kind of sad when it’s finished. But I finished just such a book this week – Connie Willis’s To Say Nothing of the Dog. It’s simply the best Time Travel / Romantic Comedy / Victorian Farce / Historical Architecture / Sci-Fi novel I’ve ever read. It’s enough to make me want to buy a bulldog, name him Cyril and go boating on the Thames!

Of course I expected it to be good for the simple reason that it’s set in the same universe as Fire Watch, which is one of the most memorable short stories I’ve ever read. And it won the Hugo back in 1999 and was nominated for the Nebula in 1998. But it’s more than just good,  it’s the most enjoyable read I’ve had in ages, and I heartily recommend it to everyone – or at least everyone who thinks they might enjoy a Time Travel / Romantic Comedy / Victorian Farce / Historical Architecture / Sci-Fi novel with numerous references to Three Men in a Boat πŸ™‚

…as sand through the hourglass, such are the days of our lives… (by which we mean later…)

Well, just heard from the computer people, and it looks as if my CPU fan has got clogged with dust and generally died, leading to the CPU overheating, with various knock on effects, possibly including damage to the motherboard and RAM. They’re going to clean it all out and run extensive tests to find out what (if anything) needs replacing. The Hard Drive should be OK, but they’re going to test that too. It should all be done by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

[zoidberg] Hooray! [/zoidberg]

When something is wrong with my baby, then something is wrong with me

Computer Woes

My computer decided to die yesterday πŸ™

Because there were supposed to be thunderstorms (which never arrived) I unplugged it from the wall before going out yesterday morning. I got back home aorund 2:00, and plugged it back in, intending to do some work on my Wild Southwest campaign setting. It booted really, really slowly. So I tried rebooting several times – no change. I had a look at the BIOS settings, reasoning that the battery might have died – they all seemed fine. Finally I took the case off, cleaned out the dust, and had a good look around to make sure nothing was loose – nothing was.

So then I started it up again. The memory check froze halfway through. I rebooted. The memory check froze a quarter of the way through. I tried again, and absolutely nothing happened. I just got a cursor blinking in the corner of the screen, which is how it remained on every subsequent boot until I finally gave up πŸ™

So, no emails, no working on my many projects, no looking up stuff on Wikipedia when I get bored. Honestly, it’s like losing a limb πŸ™

The good news is (I hope) it seems like a memory/CPU problem. The hard drives should be fine, so I won’t have lost any data. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. Now I’ve just got to find time to take it into a shop and get it fixed, which probably won’t be possible until the weekend at the earliest. I don’t know how I’ll survive!

So if you don’t get any emails from me for a while, you know the reason.


Merry Mayhem

Buses and roundabouts, men, boats and dogs.

My arrival at work today was somewhat delayed by a rather entertaining incident taking place at the junction of Hampden Road and Monash Avenue. Here the casual traveler will find a small roundabout (or as the Americans would have it a “traffic circle”), although this morning our traveler would find – in addition to the roundabout – one of those double length buses with a concertina section in the middle to allow it to go around corners.

What made the presence of this bus entertaining is that the driver – possibly new and unfamiliar with this particular intersection – had taken his bus around the roundabout at completely the wrong angle, resulting in said bus’s rather large and elaborate arrangement of wing mirrors getting tangled up with one of the signposts announcing the presence of said roundabout to other motorists.

He couldn’t go forward without tearing off his impressive collection of mirrors and probably taking down the signpost. He couldn’t go back because his bus was already bent around the roundabout at a rather extreme angle, and reversing could well rip the concertina section apart. He was trapped – trapped with such remarkable efficiency that it seems incredible it could have occurred without forward planning and careful maneuvering.

The driver of my own bus got out to lend a hand, but after a few minutes of poking at the mirrors, poking at the sign, and standing around scratching his head he had no choice but to get back into his bus and continue along his route (by this point many of his passengers had got out and started walking in frustration). And inevitably, just as we got underway no less than five more buses turned up, one after the other, all seeking to go around the roundabout – a feat just possible (under the current trying circumstances) for a normal bus, but not for the two – normally extremely rare – double length concertina buses among their number.

We left them to sort it out on their own πŸ™‚

Feeling somewhat more lively today – when I got home on Wednesday night I felt so wretched that I proclaimed “Liver detox be damned!” and ate properly for 24 hours. I’m back on the program today, but at least don’t feel like lying down and dying. I figure three days on, one day off is better than no detox at all, and if the naturopath doesn’t like it, too bad!

I’ve also just finished reading Three Men in a Boat (brilliantly funny by the way), which I’ve been meaning to do for years. This probably – along with the fact that I’ve only had Turbo Boost Detox Powder for breakfast – accounts for the rather odd literary style of today’s entry πŸ™‚

Back to work!

Pre-tox De-tox Re-tox

Yaaarrr matey! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day ye scurvy dogs! Yaaarrrr…. Oh I give up,…

Yaaarrr matey! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day ye scurvy dogs! Yaaarrrr…. Oh I give up, I can’t do this at the moment.

For reasons far too tedious to explain I’m in the middle of a liver detox program. For the uninitiated this consists of avoiding everything that’s in the least bit tasty to eat for two weeks, avoiding all caffeine, and replacing breakfast each day with “Thermo Boost Detox” powder in soy-milk.

So essentially I’m in hell.

The biggest problem I’m facing is that I’m not allowed to eat gluten, meaning that grain based products are totally out of the question. This presents a major challenge because (what with my hypoglycemia) I should only eat low GI foods – which basically means grains. If you really want a fun time, go down to your local supermarket and try to find low GI, gluten free foods. It’s almost impossible. About the best you can do is specially processed (and rather expensive) rice. So not only am I starving and half asleep from caffeine deprivation, but my blood sugar is all over the place.

And don’t get me started on the “Thermo Boost Detox” powder. Do you remember that scene in one of the Austin Powers movies where Austin mistakes Fat Bastard’s faeces sample for coffee? Enough said.

I don’t think I’m going to last the full two weeks. I might see if I can make it to Saturday, and then throw the whole thing in. If I could do it without my blood sugar spiking up and down and making me feel like death, then I might stick with it – but it’s just too unbearable. Especially since there’s so much on at work at the moment, and I feel like sleeping for half the day.

Anyway, enough about me and on to some good news. As of this weekend my good friends Rebecca and Dom are the proud parents of baby boy named Jakob Zachary (I think that’s the correct spelling :). I haven’t had the opportunity to speak with the directly yet, but I believe all three are happy and well. So congratulations guys! πŸ˜€

Anyway, better get back to work… Arrrr!

Breeding Ignorance and Feeding Radiation

TV related rantings

Well it turns out my speculation about Channel 9’s excrable iCaught the other day was right. And then wrong. Apparently they decided to take it off air in favour of Two and Half Men, but then flip-flopped and decided to give it another chance. I can’t imagine why.

Also we can’t blame Channel 9 for it entirely, apparently it’s an American show with a bit of Australian content cut in to try and make it relevant. Yeah, good luck.

The fundamental problem with the show is that there’s no audience for it. Net savvy people won’t tune in because they can just jump onto Youtube and watch the content whenever they want to – and anything really good the producers could possibly show will have already been seen by them anyway. The rest of the population won’t want to watch it, because it comes off of that porn and virus ridden interweb thing that’s full of hackers and peadophiles – not to mention that Youtube videos don’t look very good on a television screen.

In fact I’d go as far to say that the only people who’d ever watch such a program would be fat Americans needing their daily audio visual fix. “Quick ma! That there iCatch telee-vision show’s awn!”. As long as their TVs provide a constant stream of noise and images to keep their brains from firing up, they don’t care what garbage they watch.

Oh, and it looks like Channel 10 may not axe Big Brother – they’re going to sell it to Channel 7 instead. Fine by me – the last thing I watched on 7 was midday repeats of All Saints during my weeks off. Prior to that I haven’t watched 7 since they moved Stargate: Atlantis to 3:08am every second Thursday.  If they want to go all BB crazy, then let them – as far as I stand out of sight means out of mind!

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