The Third Date

What I did this Sunday. And who with.

OK, I’m really tired out so this may not be a particularly long entry, but at least I’m trying. I just spent a really enjoyable day wandering around the Art Gallery with Purdey (that’s her name, I’ve decided I might as well write it since she still inexplicably seems to like me πŸ˜‰ which has left me both physically and emotionaly exhausted. But in a good way. And I’m less exhausted than I would have been last week. So I guess this dating thing is growing on me.

She came over about twelve and promptly got lost looking for my apartment. After we straightened that out (via mobiles) we hung around here for a bit, then headed down to That Food Company (where the garlic bread is excellent and the servings immense) for lunch. Then we walked over to the station and got the train into town. We spent about three hours wandering around the Gallery – particularly the Centenary Gallery where I had art classes years and years back and they have some amazing paintings – before getting all galleried out and heading back to the station.

Here – thanks to my ineptness operating an intransigent ticket machine – we completely managed to miss the train. However this wasn’t a huge disaster because there was another one along in fifteen minutes and it gave us some time to sit on the lawn and do dating type stuff *grin*. Once the second train arrived we got it back to my place and hung around for another hour or so talking and doing more dating type stuff *grin again*. Then we said our goodbyes and she left.

This was of course our third date. The second was last Sunday when I went around to her place and we watched movies together, specifically The Princess Bride and Moulin Rouge. I hadn’t actually seen The Pricess Bride in years, I’d forgotten just how good it is. Like the marriage scene! The priest! πŸ™‚

Mawaazh! Mawaazh izh zha reezha wee-er gawaad heer hooway!

I’d never actually seen Moulin Rouge before but quite enjoyed it. You’ve got to like any film that starts with a narcoleptic Argentinian falling through the ceiling. And the “Like a Virgin” sequence is one of the most wonderfully silly things I’ve ever seen on film.

So that was a great day too πŸ™‚

And of course on our first date we saw V for Vendetta, which I’ve been meaning to write about but really am not up to tonight. Expect a sort of review (or at least some comments) shortly though.

So, I had a great day, and things are going really well, and we’re probably going to hook up to see a movie on Wednesday or Thursday. This dating/relationship thing is extremely taxing on a poor introvert such as myself, but genuinely seems to be worth it πŸ˜€

They Killed Chloe! (You Bastards!)

On trashy paranormal soaps and being hunted by the Government.

Amazing isn’t it? You do something as simple as miss-set your VCR when going out on a date, and the producers of Smallville kill off your favourite character. Not just content with that, they also cut off Lionel Luther’s hair, give Lex some kind of deadly blood disease and turn Clark into a Kryptonian Fascist*Not to be confused with a crypto-fascist πŸ˜€. Then they recruit Margot Kidder to replace Christopher Reeve. Well, I guess that’s what happens when you manage to miss what was probably the 2004 season finale.

(Yes, I know Chloe almost certainly isn’t actually dead since her coffin is empty and – much more importantly – Alison Mack is still in the credits – but still)

The hot water situation continues. The flood had abated last night and the water was a little warmer so I was able to have a slightly-warmer-than-luke-warm-but-not-actually-warm shower. This morning it was back to luke warm and on leaving for work I discovered the flood was back, with ruptured pipes pumping out water at roughtly the speed of an emptying washing machine. Foolishly I decided to wade through the deluge and discovered that my shoes are not rated for depths of greater than 2 inches. My socks ended up completely soaked, so I’m probably now going to contract the ague and expire.

Actually expiration may be a smart idea, because the Government is after me. There was a curt little note in my letterbox last night from the Electoral Commision saying that they’d sent the boys around because there’s no one on the electoral roll for my unit (it’s one of those things I kept meaning to do after moving and then didn’t) but no one was home. It also said that they’d be coming back on Monday.

Now I know that the Government probably presumes that people not on the electroral roll are anarchists or terrorists or tax cheats or other enemies of democracy who spend all their time building bombs and watching daytime TV, but some of us*That is to say those of us not on the electoral roll – in the current climate a grammatical ambiguity like that could end you up in Gitmo. do actually support the economy by working, and hence cannot be expected to be at home on a weekday afternoon. Perhaps they might want to consider sending their witch hunters around on Saturday mornings in future? It’s a well know fact that terrorists enjoy a good sleep in on the weekend after all.

In any case I’ve got the forms all filled out and will be posting them off today for delivery on Monday morning. I just hope the communications down at the Bureau for Un-Australian Activities are efficient enough to get word to their goons before they smash down my door, seize my computer and interrogate my furniture.

(I’d better hide the ammo cases and fertiliser bags just in case though… πŸ™‚

PS: I actually do have some ammo cases – they’re good for storage. I’d probably better hide them πŸ™‚

Good Stuff – Bad Stuff

A round up of the positives and negatives of the last week

Subject – Bad Things:

The signals system on the Midland line broke down yesterday while I was on my way to work, meaning my train sat at Claisbrook for a good twenty minutes. This completely negated my efforts to go in early and get some extra work done.

A pipe burst at the complex last night meaning no hot water from about 8:00pm onwards. Luke warm shower last night, no shower at all this morning and wading through two inches of water to get to work.

Too much work on for me to take my usual two week break over Easter, meaning I only get one week off and will probably go mad from stress before long.

Subject – Good Things:

Ryan dropped by with a completely FREE recordable DVD player last night. His dad (who operates a skip bin service) recovered about a dozen perfectly good ones thrown out by a supermarket chain. Free recordable DVD players for all!!

I now have a post office box and can thus order things online without having to send them to my parents’ place or have them stolen from my mailbox by the various indigent savages inhabiting the complex.

Really good second date watching movies at her place last Sunday. Hopefully really good third date at the Art Gallery this Sunday. Lots of emails, texts and online chat in between πŸ˜€

Expect more details on some or all of these points over the weekend.

No Gold for You!

The mystery of Saint Germain revealed. And Tuburcolosis.

Helen has written to inform me that Saint Germain (without an ‘e’) is in fact an artist – specifically a jazz artist. Damn, I was hoping for the alchemist. I’m also slightly miffed that Dale knows more about music than I do πŸ˜‰

I have about a dozen emails to answer from various people (including the aforementioned Helen). I meant to get to grips with some of them last night but my brain refused to co-operate. Hopefully I’ll get them sorted tonight.

PS: Tuburculosis (or consumption) is spread by infected droplets produced while coughing. Blue eyes are in fact a recessive trait. Was there anything I’ve forgottten? πŸ˜‰

PPS: Apart from how to spell ‘forgotten’ obviously? πŸ™‚

PPPS: Rebecca has also emailed me to point out that Saint Germain is a jazz artist. Am I the only person in the entire WORLD not to have heard of this person?!

PPPPS: Apparently.

In Other News…

Global Warming and Alchemy

From Zeldman

If global warming worked the other way — if the winters were getting colder each year — the world’s governments would have already worked together to reverse global warming. But when winter grows milder and spring arrives sooner, it feels so good it’s hard to realize how bad it is.

Ain’t that the truth? πŸ™

PS: Dale is talking to a potential wedding DJ client on the phone, telling them that he could play some ‘Saint Germaine’ during dinner. I don’t know if…

  1. There’s an artist named St Germaine, which there well may be.
  2. He means Saint Etienne, who could actually be quite good dinner music.
  3. He has recordings by the semi-mythical, immortal alchemist of that name, possibly explaining how to turn base metals into gold πŸ™‚

Onwards and Upwards! (if I don’t die first :)

It’s a brave new world. With such cute people in it.

OK, a while back I said I was doing crazy and wild things, and would blog about them at some point. As the craziness and wildness have stepped up a notch (comparatively speaking) I figured the time had come. So, last night, I went on a date (amazing! πŸ˜‰

So how did this thaumaturgical prodigy*Always wanted to use that phrase πŸ™‚ come about? Glad you asked.

A few months ago Rebecca (as part of her long term plan to completely restructure my life πŸ™‚ went behind my back and signed me up on RSVP – allegedly Australia’s largest singles and dating site. She then badgered me for weeks on end until I logged in and filled out my profile. I finally got this done to my satisfaction about three weeks ago and was shortly afterwards contacted by a really nice girl (whose name I will withold for now because, well, I suppose I don’t know if she wants to be mentioned by name in such a geeky medium :). One thing led to another and we ended up going out for dinner and a movie last night.

Despite my general social awkwardness this seemed to go quite well. Very well actually :). I know I had a good time, and considering that she didn’t flee off into the night and was very polite about my insanely nerdy apartment I think she had a good time too. And on top of that there was kissing involved, which I guess means we were both having a very good time πŸ™‚

So yeah, hopefully we’ll be seeing each other again soon.

The one downside to this is that my sleeping patterns have got even worse. Nervous anticipation kept me awake most of Wednesday night, and I didn’t sleep very well last night either meaning that I’m only staying awake right now through sheer willpower. My stomach is also churning rather nastily, which at least means I’m not hungry and might lose some weight. I think it’s all down to severe existential/ontological shock. A week ago I was a pathetically single geek, scorned by the women of the world (let’s get overly dramatic now shall we? :). Last night I find myself kissing with a cute/hot/cool/really nice girl who seems to think I have some of those qualities too. It’s a paradigm shift of epic proportions and I think my worldview (not to mention self image) needs some time to adjust.

Not too much time I hope though. Sleep deprivation psychosis isn’t exactly the most attractive quality to take on a second date. πŸ˜€

The West Australian (everywhere else can go to hell)

Disgruntled rumblings about the state’s monopoly news source.

Blazoned across the front page of The West Australian today is a graphic picture of a butchered sea turtle accompanied with text in large letters saying how Indonesian fishermen catch them, flip them over, cut out their eggs and dump them overboard to die.

Now, while this is undoubtedly cruel and barbaric treatment of a protected species, it’s interesting that we’ve known about it for ages (the photo dates from 2001 apparently) without it being front page news. I say – it wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the diplomatic relationship with Indonesia is a bit strained at the moment?*Some West Papuans have recently sought asuylum, claiming genocide by Indonesian troops. We’ve given them temporary visas, and Indonesia has recalled it’s ambassador in protest. Surely the state’s only daily newspaper wouldn’t stir up racial/nationalistic hatred to sell copies, would it?

Sigh. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live in a world where newspapers told the news, rather than selectively filtering it. And while we’re at it, free energy, a cure for cancer and weekly shuttle trips to the moon would also be nice.

Gothic Horrors of the Blogosphere

Pauley Perette has a Blog. And apparently it’s horrible.

Prompted by my razor-blade-injury-inspired musings of last week, my good friend Rebecca has pointed out that Pauley Perette has a blog. She’s also pointed out that it’s exactly what you’d expect a goth actor blog to read like and is hence horrific πŸ™‚

Arguably the most interesting thing about Ms Perette (that I know about anyway) is that all the online sources I’ve seen (not that I’ve been looking very hard mind you) say she was born in 1968 – thus making her just shy of 40. On NCIS however she looks at least 10 years younger. I figure this is down to either…

  1. A really intensive health regime possibly involving restricted caloric intake and lots of running.
  2. A complete inability on my part to judge age from physical appearance.
  3. Heaping on tons and tons of age concealing makeup looks perfectly natural for a goth πŸ™‚

I’ll stop this subject now before I start showing up on Google as some kind of NCIS/Pauley Perette/Abby fan blog πŸ™‚

Be it ever so crumbly…

Finally a creative punishment for MMORPG wrongdoers

No updates for while because I’ve been busy doing wild and crazy things, which will probably get a write up sooner or later. But I thought I’d jump on to point out this.

Not only is Roma Victor the kind of MMORPG I’d be likely to play (the Romans were a bunch of militarily obsessed fascists but you gotta admit they had a hell of a lot of style – not to mention aqueducts) but this is the best online punishment I’ve ever heard. Break the rules? We don’t lock you out of the game for a week – we tie you up on a cross and leave you there for all the other players to gawk at for a week! Now that’s justice! πŸ™‚

How long before this concept appears in World of Warcraft I wonder?

A Word to the Wise and Geeky

Pauley Perette + Ronald Searle = Stabbing Hazard

Note to self: Do not carry out scratch-building work involving unshielded razor blades while watching any TV show featuring Pauley Perette. Particularly any where she’s likely to turn up dressed in a St. Trinians uniform.

(I wouldn’t normally consider myself into the whole uniform thing, however I managed to brutally stab myself in the finger at the exact moment she appeared on screen – coincidence? πŸ™‚

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