Your love for the Halfling’s Leaf has clearly slowed your Mind

You ever read The Silmarillion, man? You ever read The Silmarillion ON PIPEWEED? Oh, there’s some weird shit there man! There’s a hobbit sitting in the bushes, man! Has he got the Ring? I dunno!! FORTH EORLINGAS!! RIDE TO RUIN AND THE WORLD’S ENDING!!

In all seriousness, pipeweed is actually just tobacco.

The Silmarillion Project

I’m sure I’ve mentioned Aaron Diaz’s Silmarillion illustrations at some point, but he’s now put them all in one convenient place, with more to come!

The Silmarillion Project

As we have come to expect from Mr Diaz the art is fantastic – I particularly like his kickarse version of young Galadriel (she mellowed out a lot over the next 8,000 or so years).

Noldor Warriors - Aaron Diaz
Noldor Warriors - Galadriel on Left

Well worth a look!

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