See Journalistic Standards, Lack of

Here’s a Sydney Morning Herald article about a very unfortunate situation…

Man has both legs amputated after white-tailed spider bite

For those who would like a summary it goes like this…

A man has had both his legs amputated after being bitten by a white tailed spider!

He didn’t see the spider, and has no evidence he was bitten by anything – let alone any type of spider – but it was a white tailed spider all right!

Scientists and doctors say there is absolutely no evidence that white tailed spider bites cause necrosis, and the media should stop telling people that they do!

Signs of a white tailed spider bite include necrosis and having to have your legs amputated!


LATER: Oh, and now the story has gone missing and the link goes to a 404 page. I wonder why that is? 😀

LATER STILL: And now there’s a new article that’s actually based in some kind of reality.

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