Feeling depressed, run down and useless. Had tonnes of things to get done over the weekend (including writing a reply to an email from Ali), and did none of them. Just want to sleep for three or maybe four weeks.
Disordered Thoughts and Curmudgeonly Ramblings
I’ve got the blues Jen!
Feeling depressed, run down and useless. Had tonnes of things to get done over the weekend (including writing a reply to an email from Ali), and did none of them. Just want to sleep for three or maybe four weeks.
My parents are dead, my life sucks, I can’t hold down a girlfriend, and I’m surrounded by f****** goblins and s*** all the time!
Feeling burnt out, tired and antisocial, and wishing the world would just go away (hmmm, self censoring there – to be truly accurate I wish the world would f-off) (hmmm, self censoring self censoring – I’m in a bad way…) for a few days. Unfortunately I have to go to work.
I shall try and restrain myself from stabbing people until the weekend. No promises though.