Well let’s keep going anyway

Right, I’m done.

I suppose I might as well try for the rest of the picture….

120 Lursa Duras
121 B’Etor Duras
130 Cadet Weenus (uh, Wesley)
131 Robin Lefler
136 Soran
137 Borg Queen
138 Zefram Cochrane
139 Lilly Sloane

142 Shinzon
143 Ben Sisko
144 Jake Sisko
145 Odo
146 Kira Nerys
147 O’Brien (DS9)
148 Dr Bashir
149 Jadzia Dax
150 Elim Garak
152 Quark
153 Rom
154 Leeta
155 Nog
156 Morn
157 Ezri Dax (So Cute!)
158 Keiko O’Brien
159 Molly O’Brien
164 Gul Dukat
165 Worf (DS9)

169 Ben Sisko (beard version)
170 Kasidy Yates
171 Jake Sisko (older)
173 Cadet Nog
187 Captain Janeway
188 Tuvok

189 Chakotay
190 Tom Paris
191 Harry Kim
192 B’Elanna Torres
193 The Doctor
194 Neelix
195 Kes
196 Seven of Nine

212 Captain Archer
213 T’Pol
214 Trip Tucker
215 Hoshi Sato
216 Malcolm Reed
217 Travis Mayweather
218 Plox
219 Porthos

That’s the best I can do without spending far more time than it warrants đŸ™‚


Wandering the Mojave

Some notes concerning Fallout: New Vegas

1: The first time I saw a Bighorner my reaction was pretty much the same as 40 seconds into this video.
2: I am most pleased that they’ve made an effort to have Caesar’s Legion speaking with classical pronunciation.
3: Blackrock Radio is hilarious!
4: Most amusing bug – I dropped some armour and it went shooting off across the floor at high speed. If I’d been outside I would have had to chase it across the desert to get it back.
5: Most annoying bug – the Monorail. The bloody monorail. You know what I’m talking about.

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